Behind the DirecTV ads: "The concept is that you're never too rich for a deal."
"These questions are known as “context-free questions” and are designed “to encourage agents to look at a challenge from many different angles."
Very cool. Helps you get a jumpstart into every problem. -
The origin of the high five.
Adam Harvey has concepted CV Dazzle, a camouflage from computer vision (CV). It is a form of expressive interference that combines makeup and hair styling (or other modifications) with face-detection thwarting designs.
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Nice anecdote from Pixar's John Lasseter
The world consumes 1 million plastic shopping bags every minute – and the industry is fighting hard to keep it that way.
This is literally a mess. I switch to fabric bags today. -
A desire path (also known as a desire line or social trail) is a path developed by erosion caused by footfall. The path usually represents the shortest or most easily navigated route between an origin and destination. The width and amount of erosion of the line represents the amount of demand.
Petter Forsberg built a DIY Segway for a mere 300$ in material. Pretty cool.